
Arm Reliquary, 13th century with 15th century additions, France silver and glass over wood core


Reliquary Casket with Scenes from the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket, ca 1173-80, English or German, silver with niello and gemstone



Relics (the physical remains of a holy person or place) were very important to medieval Christians.  They were believed to have healing powers and were soon required at the altars of every church.  The most highly-valued relics were those of Christ or the Virgin Mary.  Churches competed to own such relics, but as those were rare, the most common relics were those of various saints.

Reliquaries, as the two pictured above, are the fancy boxes which hold relics.  The arm would have been used by a priest to touch people and bless them.  Inside that container are the remains of a saint.  Reliquaries were housing very important and very valuable items so it was appropriate that they be decorated with gold, silver, and gems.  The most common types of reliquaries are in the shape of caskets, as the second picture, although they could take all kinds of different forms.





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